
Learn to skipper a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered keelboat of up to 50 feet in length for multi-day cruising along coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and respective sea conditions. Knowledge of provisioning, galley operations, boat systems, main and auxiliary engine operation, routine maintenance procedures, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation including basic chart plotting and GPS operation, methods for anchor mooring, docking skills, man overboard procedures and health & safety, emergency operations and meteorology.
Times: Five 2-hour in-class lessons – weekdays and Two 4-hour lessons on the boat in the sea – weekends plus a 6-hour night practical on a Saturday night. At the end of the programme the participants are given a 2-hour course review and finally take a written examination on theory. Their technical skills are evaluated during the practical lessons.
Participation prerequisite: Successful evaluation and passing of the written examination of ASA103.

This product can only be purchased by members.

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